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Explain the measures and practices introduced by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.

The measures and practices were: i. The Revolutionaries introduced the ideas of La Patrie , the Fatherland and Le Citoyen, the citizens, emphasized unite. ii. A new national flag was introduced replacing the Formal Royal Standard iii. New national anthem and hymns were composed, and oathes taken. iv. Further, the ideas of nationalism were taken abroad by the French armies 3marks✔️

Assertion (A): Different people have different development goals. Reason ®: People want freedom, equality, security and respect

  Options: a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c. A is true but R is false. d. A is false but R is true. Correct Answer : a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

iii. What madame forestier exclaim in astonishment when she saw Matilda,years after the minister's ball?

 When Madam Forestier met Loisel years after Minister's ball, she was unable to recognise her. She changed too badly and her beauty was all gone. The repayment of the necklace made them poor. They worked very hard for it and became a old women. Mrs Loisel told her all the story and about the necklace. Madam Forestier was hardly touched and said, “Oh ! My poor Matilda

i. Annie writes that it was fortunate that Mr. Keesing took the joke the right way. Why does she feel so? 3 Marks

 Annie writes that it was very fortunate that Mr Kessing took the joke the right way, this is because - One cannot expect a teacher to take a joke in a right way from a child, unlike he has taken Anne's. Annie thought of playing a joke on Mr Kessing. But he love the way Annie presented the poem. It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quack too much. Mr Kessing took the joke right way and also read the poem to the class, adding his own comments and to several classes as well. Now Annie was allowed to talk and haven't been assigned any extra homework.

iii. Justify the poet’s allusion to Rapunzel in ‘Amanda’.

In the poem 'Amanda', the poet Robin Klein speaks about Rupanzel, a fairy who lived in a tall tower. She has bright hairs. She do not care for anything. Her life was tranquil and peaceful.  As such, Amanda also imagines a life like Rupanzel, living in a huge tower. She feel that, in the tall tower, she can do everything without being nagged from her mother. She also says that she will never let her hair down like Rupanzel. This means that, she doesn't allow anyone to come in the tower and wants to live alone and free.

Q.The resistance of a resistor is reduced to half of its initial value. Indoing so, if other parameters of the circuit remain unchanged, theheating effects in the resistor will become?

(A) two times. (B) half. (C) one-fourth. (D) four times.​ Ans:- Given Resistance is reduced to half, so resistance = R/2 Also given that, other parameters of circuits remain unchanged, For constant Current, heating effect of resister will become -  • This means that Heat is directly proportional to resistance, so when resistance is halfed, then heat effect will also become halfed For the constant Voltage, heating effect of resistor become -  • This means that Heat is indirectly proportional to resistance, so when resistance is halfed, then heat effect will also become doubled So, we found that there are 2 cases, current being constant and voltage being constant.  Note - Both cases have different answer! Comment if doubt

ii. The use of symbolism in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ conveys the poet’s message effectively. Expand with reference to the poem.

Fire Symbolises desire and Ice Symbolises hatred. Fire or Desire is a kind of pure love or want that focuses people on getting  and acquiring. Our society is full of people who spend their life working to get a bigger TV , a new stylish car, or more bigger house. This kind of desire can lead us to destruction in form of bankruptcy or even broken relationship. Robert Frost's prom speaks on this problem of greed corrupting people and the society as a whole. The Power of hate produces limited destruction . For instance , hate is the the main cause of racism and war. it can remain in person mind for lifetime. Moreover, it consumes the hater more than what the person hated. It thus ruins life of People